
Brand Ambassador Team Lead

Think you have what it takes to be the influencer for the influencers, but want to understand this role to gain recognition as well as positioning as a Team Lead? You’ll learn the complete process and necessary know-how agents and experts expect to position you as a sought after team leader.

Here’s what to Expect:

  • Gain winning insights and the valuable perspective of the suppliers and agents
  • How to manage, lead, protect, and inspire your team
  • A Comprehensive and Essential Plan for leadership within Brand Ambassador Roles
    • Team management (indepth)
    • Alcohol Do’s & Don’ts 
    • Policies and Company Representation
    • Cultivating positive and successful event experience as a team and a leader
    • Complete account management and guidance
  • Learn everything you need to stay awoke as an influencing team
Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 6 Lessons
  • 5 Quizzes
  • Course Certificate